Strindberg/Willumsen’s “A Mais Forte I & II” on CPH STAGE 2017
The Stronger I & II
This June, Danish actor and director Søren Hellerup is bringing the Brazilian production “A Mais Forte I & II” to the Danish theatre festival CPH STAGE. The play is based on Swedish playwright August Strindberg’s “The Stronger” from 1889 and read with Dorrit Willumsen’s version from 1978.
The relation between what is said and what is not
Today we often forget to listen and take responsibility for the effect that our words can have on others. With the production, Søren Hellerup rises questions such as; how were the words in August Strindberg’s 1889 and how have things changed in Dorrit Willumsen’s 1978 – and how do we listen and think about these things today? We see the “battle” between two women on stage, but how do we listen as an audience and how do we read the struggles that are really going on underneath it all? It is not just the women on stage that feel the effect of what is said and what is not.
Women’s role in the age of Strindberg and today
The play is built on the parallels 1889-1978 up to present day in both Denmark and in Brazil. This has given much food for thought for the actors and director since the lives of many Brazilian women today bear great resemblance to those of the women in Strindberg’s play. Søren Hellerup told this in an interview with DCI earlier this month.
The director and actors have spent a lot of time just reading the words and discussing all possibilities. The two Brazilian actresses, Isabella Lemos and Adriana Lessa, who play the leading roles, have brought new ideas and expressions to the words. The Brazilian woman’s role in 1889 and in 1978 strengthens the words in a new way and when put forward by two modern women in 2017, it brings out the best in both words and actresses according to Søren Hellerup.
Performance at CPHSTAGE 2017, House of International Theatre – HIT, Rådhusstræde 13, 4. Sal, 1466 København K on the following dates:
June 1st at 4pm (premiere)
June 2nd at 4pm
June 3rd at 4pm
June 4th at 7.30pm
Two extra performances on June 8th at 5pm and 9pm at Teaterøen, William Wains Gade 11, Refshaleøen, 1432 København K.
The play has been produced with support from Danish Cultural Institute in Brazil and is the first in a series of Danish-Brazilian acting collaborations.