What does Danish Cultural Institute do?
We work to promote and strengthen relations across borders through art and culture. Since 1940, our focus has been on building bridges and ensuring dialogue and understanding between Denmark and the world. We achieve this through international cultural projects, ranging from classical art to gaming, democratic development, citizen involvement, as well as sustainable architecture and urban development.
Learn more about our projects and how we work.
Where is Danish Cultural Institute present?
Currently, we are present in 15 countries, including Denmark. Since our establishment in 1940, we have relocated to where we can make the greatest impact. Right after World War II, our focus was on Western Europe. During the Cold War, we significantly expanded into Eastern Europe, and in the 2000s and 2010s, we ventured onto the global stage, opening branches in China, India, and Brazil, among others. The current geopolitical situation has led us to increase our focus on Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
See where we are present here
How is Danish Cultural Institute financed?
We are a self-governing organization with a framework agreement with the Danish Ministry of Culture. This means we receive a fixed annual operating grant. In addition, we are funded by foundations and other external sources, with the largest amount currently coming from Danida and the EU. See our annual report here
How is Danish Cultural Institute organised?
Our highest governing body is our Council, consisting of members from Danish cultural organisations, all eligible political parties, and selected individual members. Below this is our board and then our CEO, based at the headquarters in Denmark. The CEO is the top leader for both our Copenhagen headquarters and all six international offices, each with its staff. Globally, we have around 50 employees. See our organisational chart here
See who is part of our council and board.
How can one collaborate with Danish Cultural Institute?
We never work alone. Every year, we collaborate to a greater or lesser extent with a wide range of national and international partners. Sometimes these are multi-year collaborations, as in our larger programmes, while other times they are related to a single event. If you are interested in collaborating with us, feel free to contact the relevant department and present your project idea.
Find contact information for all our country directors here
Can one apply for financial support from Danish Cultural Institute?
In principle, the Danish Cultural Institute does not have funds that can be applied externally. However, there are opportunities through our work in the New Democracy Fund and the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House. These programmes regularly announce funding opportunities. Note that they are earmarked for activities in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. Read more on www.newdemocracyfund.org and www.theyouthhouse.org
Can the Danish Cultural Institute help facilitate travels, visits, or activities abroad?
We do not offer study trips, but if you are visiting one of our host countries and wish to stop by one of our offices, you are welcome to contact our country directors here
We are always open to sharing information about our work and recommending good places to visit.
Can one apply for residency through Danish Cultural Institute?
Unfortunately, we cannot offer residencies abroad. We refer to the Danish Arts Foundation.
Does Danish Cultural Institute offer language and culture courses?
We stopped offering Danish courses in 2020. We refer to UC Plus
Can Danish Cultural Institute help find partners worldwide or in Denmark?
We are always willing to help, but our resources are limited. We suggest that you contact the relevant department and present your request. This applies whether you are seeking a Danish partner or a partner in one of our host countries. Note, that we can only assist with countries where we are present.
Find contact information for our departments here
Can Danish Cultural Institute help if one wishes to perform, publish, or otherwise present their art in Denmark?
In principle, we have limited options to help, as we do not have a stage, exhibition space, or facilities to accommodate an audience. Therefore, we direct individuals to the relevant cultural institutions.
Can one obtain general knowledge about Danish art and culture through Danish Cultural Institute?
We are not experts in Danish art and culture, as our main focus and work occur outside Denmark. However, you are always welcome to reach out to us; perhaps we can help find the answer mail@danishculture.com