Udstilling med farverige indiske kunstnere på RoS Gallery
De indiske kunstnere Sunanda Khajurias og Dhaneshwar Shahs stærke og farverige udtryk kan opleves på RoS Gallery fra 25. august
Den 25. august er der fernisering på en udstilling med to fremtrædende, nutidige indiske kunstnere på RoS Gallery i Roskilde. Det er Sunanda Khajuria og Dhaneshwar Shah der udstiller deres værker under titlen “Ātman (आत्मन्) / Essence, Breath and Soul”. Begge frembringer et univers der er rigt på farver og hvor dyrefigurer spiller en væsentlig rolle.
DKI har støttet udstillingen og til ferniseringen vil den nytiltrådte leder af DKI i Indien deltage og tale, derudover deltager blandt andre Indiens ambassadør, Hr. Ajit Gupte, og Roskildes borgmester Joy Mogensen.
Læs her om vores nylige seminar om Indien
Kunstnerne om deres værker
Sunanda Khajuria – Moving Landscapes
“With systematic training in art, I have become more interested in understanding the emotional and psychological states of human nature and explore the possibilities of its visualization in my work. This process generally begins with taking a queue from the mundane and trying to look into nature and constitution of human situations, desires and aspirations. As a culmination of this complex and extend process, I understand, that my work ultimately attains a reality of its own. A reality that is a sum total of what I see, react to, think perceive, memorize, personalize and feel like externalizing as a visible manifestation.
In this suite of Moving Landscapes each and every element is affected with time and place. Nothing is still— even stones, rivers, mountains, air, the moon, the stars; everything has its own breath, its own life and its death. All objects move according to their energy and speed.As St. Augustine said, “If no one asks me about Time, I know all about it; but if someone asks, I know nothing about it. It is difficult to sense, as it is so closely linked with our lives, flowing in the same current.””
Dhaneshwar Shah – Politics and Power Behind the Animal
“Art History teaches you that there are a million ways to paint; there are theories, histories, and sociologies. This was distracting to me; it interrupted the vividness of internal expressions. In untangling myself from this web of confusion, I found a fascination with the animal world. There is purity to their behaviour and expression that I could channel. I am captivated by the incredible variety of animals and birds and their humorous, energetic and spontaneous behaviour. In my art now, I find focus and expression in the unique body language, distinctive energies and mysterious characteristics of animals and birds.
I am highly influenced by Tribal and Aboriginal art and their philosophies. I find them a purer, more authentic mode of expression. You can find these influences in the dotted lines, thick outlines, bright, flat colours, humor, and repetition of forms in my paintings. I consider my art to be a combination of Tribal and Aboriginal techniques and values, with the aesthetics of contemporary experimental media. My aim is to establish a new global language in contemporary art that remains faithful to self-expression.”
Baggrund og igangværende projekter
Sunanda Khajuria tog sin bachelor i Fine Arts på Institute of Music and Fine Art, Jammu, og sin master på College of Art, New Delhi. Derefter tog hun del i et forskningsprogram på Academy of Fine Art, Hangzhou, hvor hun tillærte sig kinesisk og studerede traditionel kinesisk kunst. Sidste år modtog hun et scholarship fra regeringen i Kina, der giver hende mulighed for at påbegynde en PhD og fortsætte sin udforskning af Kinesisk og Asiatisk kunst og kultur.
Dhaneshwar Shah har et udpræget globalt udsyn. Efter i noget tid at have praktiseret sin kunst verden over, studerede han ligesom Khajuria i Hangzhou. Her læste han både traditionel kinesisk kunst og “new media” kunst. Nu er han, støttet af den kinesiske regering, i gang med en PhD på Wuhan University of Technology, med fokus på kinesisk blækmaleri, ud fra en både forskningsmæssig og praktisk tilgang.
Yderligere er Shah leder af den indiske og kinesiske del af organisationen MEADOWS, der foretager politiske aktiviteter relateret til kunst og kultur.
Læs mere om Dhaneshwar Shah og Sunanda Khajuria
Der er fernisering på udstillingen “Ātman (आत्मन्) / Essence, Breath and Soul” d. 25. august, kl 13.00 på RoS Gallery, Vindeboder 1A, Roskilde.