Creative Circular Citites
Promoting circular transition at local level by involving the culture & creative sectors and industries
Objective of the project
Creative Circular Cities (CCC) will supply municipalities, business support organisations and NGOs in the Baltic Sea Region with guidelines and tools to involve Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) into the circular transition, and in this way to induce a “system change” at the local level that includes both the production & the consumption side of Circular Economy.
Demo cities testing approaches for circular transition
Creative Circular Cities initiates a transnational co-creation process, in which 6 demo cities – Aarhus (DK), Kiel (DE), Gdynia (PL), Riga (LV), Tallinn (EE), and Turku (FI) – will jointly develop & test CCSI-driven approaches for an integrated circular transition. In each of them, local authorities, business support organisations and NGOs team up to:
- launch enabling environments for CCSI-driven circular transition,
- help businesses to create CCSI-supported circular business models,
- promote “circular lifestyles” with CCSI assistance
Result of the project
The results will be processed into a “CCC Starter Kit”. It will give interested actors in other BSR cities concrete guidance to involve CCSI into circular transition and is pro-actively disseminated to them. A “CCC Policy Roadmap” facilitates dialogue with policymakers on potentials of the approach & support needs.
Timeline and financing
The project started in November 2023 and will continue until November 2026. It is 80% funded by the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region program with a total budget of approximately four million euros.
Project partners
The project is implemented by a consortium of 14 partners and 23 associated partners.
Project partners:
- Danish Cultural Institute – lead partner
- Lifestyle & Design Cluster (Denmark)
- City of Aarhus – Climate Secretariat Aarhus Kommune
- Riga Municipal Agency “Riga Energy Agency”
- Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture Secretariat
- Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia | Design Centre
- Association “Pomorskie in the European Union”
- City of Turku
- Valonia / Regional Council of Southwest Finland Valonia
- Humak University Of Applied Sciences
- Tallinn Business Incubators – Tallinn Creative Incubator
- Anschar GmbH
- Zero Waste Kiel
- Heinrich Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein
Project website
Project Manager Indra Levite, il@danishculture.com
Communication Manager Andra Jakovica, aj@danishculture.com