Exhibition: “Complementary Resonance”

The exhibition “Complementary Resonance” with sound works by three artists from Denmark, China and Latvia is the result of a collaboration between the Niels Bohr Institute and Danish Cultural Institute’s branches in Beijing and Riga.
100 years ago, Niels Bohr received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the structure of the atom, and his discovery together with his scientific and philosophical thought contributed to the development of science as we know it today.
“Complementary Resonance” is a cross-sectoral exhibition where an international team of three sound artists – Jacob Kirkegaard (DK), Tie Yann (CN), and Anna Ķirse (LV) –with the help of physicist Oliver August Dall’ Alba Sandberg from the Niels Bohr Institute explored the world of quantum science to find inspiration and create contemporary and artistic reflections on quantum mechanics.
The sound artists found theories, experiments, and philosophical ideas and put sound to some of these, at times, difficult to understand and inaccessible subjects to arouse curiosity and feed the listener’s imagination.
As with quantum physics, your personal experience of the artwork depends on you. What you hear is filtered through your own senses and your own understanding.
“Complementary Resonance” will be exhibited in Copenhagen, Riga, and Beijing in autumn 2022.
The exhibition is supported by Danish Ministry of Culture (SLKS), the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, William Demant Fonden, Knud Højgaard Fond, Danish Composers Association Koda Kultur (Dansk Komponistforening), Danish Art Foundation (Statens Kunstfond), and Latvian State Capital Foundation.