Refind: Youth leadership Seminar in times of War

How do we secure youth organisations in times of war and instability?
Local youth organisations are a particularly important focus area if free, democratic civic life is to be secured for the long term. Especially in Ukraine, where many citizens live under massive daily pressure. Therefore, in October, our colleagues from the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House organised a seminar in Denmark for Ukrainian youth organisations focusing on organisational management in a time of war.
The seminar provided young people with mental support and tools to bring youth organisations back to their original focus, which can easily fade into the background in wartime.
About the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House
Based in Kyiv, the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House works to strengthen young people’s democratic education, active citizenship, their participation in the reconstruction of Ukraine, and to build bridges across Europe. It is a platform for young people, by young people and with young people, focusing on dialogue, cultural exchange, and youth participation. A young team of employees is responsible for the Youth House’s day-to-day operations, funding, and ongoing support of active young people and organisations in Ukraine, as well as organising courses, cultural projects, and exchange programmes that strengthen the young democracy in Ukraine and Denmark.
The youth house was established in 2020 and is run by a consortium of Danish Cultural Institute and the Danish Youth Council with an annual grant of DKK 11 million from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Read more about the youth house