You can do something for Ukraine!

Join our event and learn more about the Ukrainian people, culture, and society when the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House in collaboration with the Danish Cultural Institute, Danish Youth Council, and Grundtvigsk Forum invite you to an open network meeting for everyone who wants to understand what is at stake in Ukraine right now.
The purpose of the evening is to kick-start a conversation about what you, as a citizen, and what we, as a society, can do for Ukraine. And our message is quite simple: Be curious, be open, and do not only listen to the breaking news headlines but make an effort to understand the nuances of the conflict. This event is an obvious place to start if you want to do something for Ukraine.
- We will map out how and where you can support the Ukrainian people
- We will provide concrete suggestions for where you can seek factual and impartial information
- We will provide tips on what you can read, see, and experience to understand the Ukrainian culture
- We will present how you can become part of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House and thereby strengthen the cultural exchange between Denmark and Ukraine
- And then we will do our utmost to have one or more people join the event online from Ukraine
Present will be:
- Leader of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House, Julie Arnfred Bojesen
- International consultant v. Danish Youth Council, Sørine Asmussen
- Project Consultant and Coordinator at UNIDO in Ukraine, Kateryna Pernata
Time & Place: Wednesday, 2nd of March at 5 pm to 7 pm
Vartov, ”Store Sal”, Farvergade 27, 1463 København K
Sign up here due to limited seats
The event is in English.