Concert with Alexey Botvinov

The New Democracy Fund and The Andrei Sakharov Centre for Democratic Development at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania is proud to present an evening concert with the famous Ukrainian classical pianist Alexey Botvinov.
The concert takes place on December 9, 20:00 – 21:00 (CET) at the Queen’s Room at The Royal Danish Library.
The concert is arranged as part of the 11th International Sakharov Conference on human rights and features a performance of the favourite classical compositions of human rights champion and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989).
Se full concert programme
Concert tickets are free of charge, and it is possible to bring guests to the concert. All participants must please register via the following link.
Register here
Please register all participants separately
We are following the current rules and restrictions concerning COVID-19. Therefore, you have to show a valid Corona Passport. Face masks are not required.
We recommend arriving 30 minutes before the concert start. Please notify us as soon as possible if there are any changes in your registration.
If you have questions prior to the concert, please send an email to the New Democracy Fund secretariat Ida Fuglsang and Rimma Grønholt-Pedersen
Bio of Alexey Botvinov
Alexey Botvinov was born in 1964 in Odessa, Ukraine and is educated from the Conservatory of Odessa and Moscow Conservatory. Botvinov has performed for audiences for more than three decades in more than 30 countries, including Germany, Russia, and China. He is an internationally renowned artist and winner of important piano competitions such as the Rachmaninoff-Competition in Moscow (1983), the 8th International Bach-Competition in Leipzig (1988), and the 1st Clara-Schumann-Competition in Düsseldorf (1994). Botvinov is the only pianist in the world who performed Bach‘s masterpiece „Goldberg Variations“ more than 300 times on stage. Furthermore, Botvinov is one of the best specialists in Rachmaninoff music worldwide.