Advisory Board established in the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House

Advisory Board of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House is appointed
In the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House, the future users will be able to influence its direction. For that reason, the partners behind the project (the Danish Youth Council, DUF and the Danish Cultural Institute, DCI) are now establishing an Advisory Board with representatives of both Danish and Ukrainian youth. The Advisory Board is selected for a 1 year duration and will be guiding DCI, DUF and the local secretariat in the House in Kyiv on a number of strategic issues in 2021.
For example, advising on the thematic priorities of planned house activities; suggesting new initiatives and ideas for activities; and providing input for stakeholder and partner development in both Ukraine and Denmark.
Following an open call application process in December 2020, the 20-member Advisory board has now been selected with participation across a wide range of youth and youth actors in the two countries.
The Advisory Board of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House
Ukrainian Members
- Anastasiya Yakovenko, representative for Public Service of Ukraine
- Ivan Bratsiun, representative for PLAST
- Mykhailyna Moskalenko
- Oleg Slabospitsky, representative for National Ukrainian Youth Association
- Roman Tychkivskyy, representative for Ukrainian Leadership Academy
- Rustam Savranskyi, representative for Solidarna Molod
- Vladyslav Melnychuk, representative for Association of Youth Centers of Ukraine
- Yulian Kritsak, representative for National Youth Council of Ukraine
- Yuliana Vashchuk, representative for JCI Youth
- Yuliya Lyubych , representative for STAN
Danish Members
- Adam McMillan Mikkelsen, representative for KFUM & KFUK (YMCA Denmark)
- Charlotte Geneser
- Daniel Buur Christensen, representative for 3F Ungdom
- Frederikke Thorning
- Jakob Kjærsgaard, representative for Dansk Folkepartis Ungdom (Youth of Danish People’s Party)
- Mathias F. Bickersteth, representative for Rapolitics
- Rebekka Andersen, representative for Ungdommens Røde Kors (Danish Red Cross Youth)
- Sandi Rizvic, representative for Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (National Union of Students in Denmark)
- Sofus Malte Rønberg, representative for Socialistisk Folkepartis Ungdom (Youth of the Socialist Peoples party)
- Troels Boe
DUF and DCI are excited to welcome members of this first advisory board in the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House and look forward to the upcoming meetings.
More informantion about the Advisory Board of the Ukrainian Youth House
Questions concerning the Advisory Board can be directed to Olaf Gerlach-Hansen, senior advisor in Danish Cultural Institute, DCI ( to Daniel Honoré Jensen, political consultant in the Danish Youth Council, DUF (