Cozinha Da Malou
“Cozinha da Malou” is a series of 16 programmes on Danish Cultural Institute in Brazil’s YouTube channel. The main objective is sustainable food culture for children in an intercultural and intergenerational hands-on context, bringing Danish meal preparation culture and “hygge” into play in a Brazilian setting. Working with food culture in Brazil touches upon environmental, biodiversity, human rights, and climate issues of global importance.
The Danish nutritionist Betina Lauritsen addresses the big issues in a light and engaging way exploring food education, food courage, and food joy. Filmed by her husband Augusto in their home in Rio de Janeiro, the program features the couple’s 6-year-old daughter, Malou, exploring culinary adventures with her mom. Some episodes feature guest appearances by Brazilian specialists, as well as by the Danish partners from “Smag For Livet”. The videos have gained over 160,000 views across various platforms.