The Danish-Afghan debater and author Geeti Amiri is coming to Riga! From Kabul to Copenhagen, she gives an insight into a life between two worlds that is too often characterized by cultural confrontations. Three years ago, she entered the Danish public scene as a role-model. Even though she had grown up in a refugee family, she managed to get into the university and she could smile nicely to the photographers. But the picture was a shining image missing all the dark sides of her past.
With her TV- appearances, opinion -blogs and etc, she has marked herself in the Danish public debate. For the last couple of years, she has been highlighting issues when it comes to integration, gender equality and religion. Geeti is a competent debater and critics with a strong and powerful background story. A person who has opened up for her personal story about a life with social control and honor-related violence.
This life-affirming lecture/talk will be based on her autobiography “Shining images” which was published in November 2016. The book touch upon her harsh, touching and personal experience of violence, removal from home and life in a women’s shelter. Reflections about the cultural clash between her Danish and Afghan identity, her father’s death and the price for freedom and following one’s heart as a young woman with a Muslim minority background. “Shining images” is a personal story about an upbringing as a refugee in Denmark and the struggle to win the right over one’s own life.
The lecture will be in English and include a Q&A session and a glass of wine. Entrance is free.
Time and place:
1st December 2017 at 18.00 PM
Aleponija, Riga
Link to the Facebook event:
Geeti Amiri’s talk is part of the EUNIC literature project 2017 with the thematic focus on migration.