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17 · 10 · 2017

Green Denmark & CO2 Green Drive at the All-Russia Forum

The director of the Danish Cultural Institute in Russia will talk about the ecological festival CO2 Green Drive during panel discussion Global Trends in Urban Mobility and Transport Accessibility at the XVI All-Russia Forum 24 October 2017.


CO2 Green drive

CO2 Green Drive festival was organised on 1 October 2016 in St. Petersburg and was based on a solid cooperation with St. Petersburg Polytechnic University as well as Leontief Centre. The festival was full of eco-activities starting with a bike ride from the Palace Square. Four thousand people visited campus of the Polytechnic University which featured electric cars parade, performances, public talks, film shows and – very significantly – the opening of the city’s first ever solar e-cars charging station! The festival was organised as part of the Green Mobility project with financial support of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Read more about the CO2 Green Drive festival.


The Danish Cultural Institute was proud to arrange CO 2 Green Drive in St. Petersburg in cooperation with the Polytechnic University and Leontief Centre in October 2016. The event was very successful with 4000 visitors during one day! We think that art & culture has significant potential in awareness-raising campaigns and as a catalyst for public engagement in environmental protection.
Opening of the solar e-charging station
Events during All-Russia Forum

On 23 October a round table on Strategies of Developing Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems and Eco-Friendly Modes of Transport will feature a presentation by Stephen Willacy, City Architect of Aarhus, on Design within a New Culture of Placemaking from a Nordic City’s Perspective.


Within the panel session on 24 October, in which DCI institute director Finn Andersen participates, experts from Russia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Spain and other countries will discuss global trends in development of intelligent transportation systems, modern approaches to eco-driving, traffic regulation of cyclists as road users, development of cycling economy and cycling culture, information technologies and tools for effective sustainable transportation systems, cycling opportunities in cities with a cold climate, Winter Cycling Congress 2018 in Moscow, etc.


This year All-Russia Forum is celebrating its 20 year jubilee.


Organizers: Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, ICSER Leontief Centre, Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg, Nordic Council of Ministers.

Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen was the artist and producer behind the CO2 Green Drive