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07 · 05 · 2018

Denmark moves into Brussels

Denmark moves into Brussels for the month of may



In May, Denmark moves into Brussels, into Bibliothéque du Centre in the Woluwe-Saint-Pierre municipality to be specific. Finland and Sweden are also presented in the same area, in two other local libraries. A whole month is dedicated these three Nordic countries. The Danish presentation includes an exhibition of Danish-Bruxellois artist, Carsten Poulsen’s paintings, film screening, food tasting, exhibitions of ‘Vikings in comics’, readings, and much more.


The opening took place on May the 3rd and included a welcome speech by Deputy Mayor Caroline Persoons, the vernissage of Carsten Poulsen’s exhibition Portrætter mødes / Portraits Croisés (EN: ‘Portraits meet’), screening of the Danish movie Marie Krøyer by film director Bille August, a mini flea market selling Danish books and many more Danish attributes.


During the rest of the month, you can familiarize yourself with the Vikings and the world-renowned phenomena of ‘Hygge’. You can also test your knowledge about Denmark in the Denmark Quiz (in French) and explore Danish recipes.

Activities during May:

May 5th, 15.00-16.00

Readings of H.C. Andersen (10+)

May 17th, 18.00-19.00

Bedtime stories: “On the way to the North” (2-5 years)

May 19th, 14.30-15.30

Storytime: “Once upon a time among the Vikings”

May 25th, 20.00-21.30

Lecture on ‘Hygge’ by Happiness Flow with Véronique Morelle and Florence Haelterman