Den Sorte Skole and Vertigo in India

As part of the cultural festival Panorama Editions International Art Salon Vol. 3 the award-winning sample-based producer and composer duo Den Sorte Skole (DK) and the acclaimed visual artist group Vertigo (DK) gave a live performance of their audiovisual spectacle “Ghosts and Robots” at the spectacular Jaisalmer Fort and Palace in Rajasthan, India.
“Ghosts and Robots” is an experimental, dark, and beautiful piece of art combining music, light installation, video projection, and laser mapping.
The music is built from samples lifted from vinyl releases from the last seven decades, combining everything from old field recordings of indigenous tribes and spiritual chants to samplings of both early and contemporary electronic, industrial, and noise ventures.
On stage, Den Sorte Skole works live with samplers, turntables, and chains of effect machines. On the visual side, Vertigo combines LED installation, video projection, and laser mapping with live generative coding and triggering.
The concert was generously supported by Panorama Editions, Rajasthan Tourism, Indian Council For Cultural Relations, Danish Art Council, Embassy of Denmark in India, Novo Nordisk, and Hobson-Jobson.